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Community Energy Action Plan: Survey

The City of Saint John is aiming for net-zero emissions by 2050. To achieve this goal, the entire Saint John community must come together, starting with the planning process.

As a coastal city, Saint John is acutely aware of the threats posed by climate change—including rising sea levels, increasing temperatures, and more intense storms, storm surges, and floods. Immediate and big changes are needed to avoid the most catastrophic impacts of climate change.

The City of Saint John is developing a Community Energy Action Plan (CEAP) to identify a pathway to reduce community greenhouse emissions to net zero by 2050. The CEAP will be completed in Summer 2023. The hope is to reduce pollution, protect and create recreational green spaces that sequester carbon, improve the energy efficiency of homes, lower household energy costs, create local jobs, and more!   

We want your help to fine-tune the proposed actions to ensure they are implemented in a way that improves quality of life in Saint John and ensures low-income and other marginalized groups can participate in and benefit from climate action. This survey will help us understand your priorities and needs to develop a CEAP that can be implemented successfully across the community.

What to expect  

This survey is organized in the following sections:

  1. An introduction to the challenge in front of us.
  2. Survey questions on Saint John’s proposed Big Moves to help reduce emissions.
  3. A bit about you so we understand who is providing feedback and who we haven't heard from.

Estimated time: 10 minutes. We recommend completing this survey on a larger screen for a better survey experience.

Next Steps

Feedback collected in this survey and through other engagement activities will help inform Saint John’s CEAP. This will be brought to Council in Summer 2023.