North End Neighbourhood Plan

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Congratulations to the new North End Advisory Committee!

We are excited to announce 11 people who work, live, or volunteer in the North End have been nominated to serve on the Advisory Committee.

Deputy Mayor John MacKenzie

Councilor Barry Ogden

Tamara Kelly, ONE Change Representative

Anne Driscoll, Crescent Valley Association Representative

Jamiu Abdulraheem

Kelly Baker

Steve Belyea

Graeme Stewart-Robertson

Melissa Wakefield

Kelsey Ann Seely

Keith Brideau

What is an Advisory Committee?

The Neighbourhood Advisory Committee will be an 11-person committee appointed by Common Council to provide feedback and advice on the goals, objectives, policies, and implementation for the North End Neighbourhood Plan. They will offer support and advice to city staff and the consultants, as well as the Growth Committee and Common Council as requested.

The Committee will champion the Plan within the community, promoting and encouraging the public to participate in the public engagement process.

What will be the Role of Committee Members?

The Advisory Committee will help review the feedback gathered from the community and ensure that the Plan reflects the neighbourhoods it includes:

Some of the responsibilities of the Committee will be:

  • Offer advice and feedback to staff and the consultants
  • Support and promote the public engagement process
  • Help ensure transparency during the process.
  • Help define the vision, goals, and objectives of the plan
  • Help provide recommendations on reports, policies, maps, and sub-neighbourhood boundaries.
  • Act as Ambassadors for the Neighbourhood Plan

The City has hired Fotenn Consulting to help with the creation of the North End Secondary Plan policy as well as the community engagement strategy.

Fotenn is an integrated team of planners, urban designers and landscape architects with over thirty years of experience leading innovative and award-winning projects and providing successful planning and design services for a range of clients throughout Canada.

We are excited to work with such experienced urban planners!

North End Neighbourhood Plan overview

A Neighbourhood Plan (also known as a Secondary Plan) is a document created to shape growth and development in a certain part of the City. The plan is created with the help of community members, to make sure that it represents the character of the community and highlights the interests of the public through creating thoughtful policy and action items. In 2019, Saint John adopted the Central Peninsula Secondary Plan as the first neighbourhood plan. We are now creating our second neighbourhood plan that will focus on the North End of the City.

The first step in a Neighbourhood Plan is defining a boundary of the area that will included in the Plan. A variety of factors must be considered when creating a boundary including:

  • The amount of land to be included
  • Natural and man-made boundaries such as rivers and highways
  • Census Tracks
  • Existing neighbourhoods (such as the Old North End and Crescent Valley)
  • Important community spaces such as schools and parks

A plan must be the right size so that the Plan can be thoughtful and reflect the neighbourhoods that it includes.

During initial planning stages, City staff engaged with two major North End community groups to draft a boundary map that incorporates several established neighbourhoods and important commercial areas but does not include Milledgeville or Rockwood Park.

The North End Neighbourhood Plan aims to create a proposal for the revitalization of the entire plan area, but will also focus on the specific needs for the unique neighbourhoods within the boundary area. While the official boundaries of these neighbourhoods have not yet been defined, the public will be engaged during this process to ensure these boundaries and policy are suited to their communities. Similar to the Central Peninsula Plan, neighbourhoods are created to deal with unique elements of each community and will look to grow and enhance these neighbourhoods while protecting the things that make them unique and special.

The City is asking for feedback from the public regarding the drafted Boundary Map. We eagerly welcome any comments and feedback regarding thoughts on the proposed boundary of the whole area. The intent is to finalize the boundary map before moving forward with the next steps of the plan, including engaging the public to identify the neighbourhood boundaries for the Plan.

North End Neighbourhood Plan Timeline

Community Engagement

The creation of the North End Neighbourhood Plan relies on feedback from community members, particularly those who live, work and play within the Plan boundary. Community Engagement will take place throughout the planning process. This will be done through a variety of events and online engagement tools, aiming to reach as many people as possible. This will include in person events, online engagement tools, and by sharing information on the Shape Your City Page for this project. A North End Neighbourhood Plan Advisory Committee that includes community members will also be created.

We conducted the first of several engagement and visioning sessions in January 2025 at various locations within the North End. The community input provided will shape the draft concepts for the Plan. If you weren't able to attend one of these events, we are still collecting comments and you are encouraged to submit your thoughts in the forum below.


The formal boundary of the included neighbourhoods has not yet been defined but there will be several of them. The communities themselves will be engaged during this process to define these neighbourhoods to ensure boundaries and policy are suited to these unique communities. Like the Central Peninsula Plan, these neighbourhoods are being created to deal with unique elements of each community and be personalized for their area and the character that defines them.

We’d love to hear from you!

Share your thoughts on the North End and let us know what you'd like to see in the future.

Take a few moments to fill out our quick survey – just scroll to the bottom of the page and click the ‘Survey’ tab next to 'Forum'. Your feedback makes a difference!

Congratulations to the new North End Advisory Committee!

We are excited to announce 11 people who work, live, or volunteer in the North End have been nominated to serve on the Advisory Committee.

Deputy Mayor John MacKenzie

Councilor Barry Ogden

Tamara Kelly, ONE Change Representative

Anne Driscoll, Crescent Valley Association Representative

Jamiu Abdulraheem

Kelly Baker

Steve Belyea

Graeme Stewart-Robertson

Melissa Wakefield

Kelsey Ann Seely

Keith Brideau

What is an Advisory Committee?

The Neighbourhood Advisory Committee will be an 11-person committee appointed by Common Council to provide feedback and advice on the goals, objectives, policies, and implementation for the North End Neighbourhood Plan. They will offer support and advice to city staff and the consultants, as well as the Growth Committee and Common Council as requested.

The Committee will champion the Plan within the community, promoting and encouraging the public to participate in the public engagement process.

What will be the Role of Committee Members?

The Advisory Committee will help review the feedback gathered from the community and ensure that the Plan reflects the neighbourhoods it includes:

Some of the responsibilities of the Committee will be:

  • Offer advice and feedback to staff and the consultants
  • Support and promote the public engagement process
  • Help ensure transparency during the process.
  • Help define the vision, goals, and objectives of the plan
  • Help provide recommendations on reports, policies, maps, and sub-neighbourhood boundaries.
  • Act as Ambassadors for the Neighbourhood Plan

The City has hired Fotenn Consulting to help with the creation of the North End Secondary Plan policy as well as the community engagement strategy.

Fotenn is an integrated team of planners, urban designers and landscape architects with over thirty years of experience leading innovative and award-winning projects and providing successful planning and design services for a range of clients throughout Canada.

We are excited to work with such experienced urban planners!

North End Neighbourhood Plan overview

A Neighbourhood Plan (also known as a Secondary Plan) is a document created to shape growth and development in a certain part of the City. The plan is created with the help of community members, to make sure that it represents the character of the community and highlights the interests of the public through creating thoughtful policy and action items. In 2019, Saint John adopted the Central Peninsula Secondary Plan as the first neighbourhood plan. We are now creating our second neighbourhood plan that will focus on the North End of the City.

The first step in a Neighbourhood Plan is defining a boundary of the area that will included in the Plan. A variety of factors must be considered when creating a boundary including:

  • The amount of land to be included
  • Natural and man-made boundaries such as rivers and highways
  • Census Tracks
  • Existing neighbourhoods (such as the Old North End and Crescent Valley)
  • Important community spaces such as schools and parks

A plan must be the right size so that the Plan can be thoughtful and reflect the neighbourhoods that it includes.

During initial planning stages, City staff engaged with two major North End community groups to draft a boundary map that incorporates several established neighbourhoods and important commercial areas but does not include Milledgeville or Rockwood Park.

The North End Neighbourhood Plan aims to create a proposal for the revitalization of the entire plan area, but will also focus on the specific needs for the unique neighbourhoods within the boundary area. While the official boundaries of these neighbourhoods have not yet been defined, the public will be engaged during this process to ensure these boundaries and policy are suited to their communities. Similar to the Central Peninsula Plan, neighbourhoods are created to deal with unique elements of each community and will look to grow and enhance these neighbourhoods while protecting the things that make them unique and special.

The City is asking for feedback from the public regarding the drafted Boundary Map. We eagerly welcome any comments and feedback regarding thoughts on the proposed boundary of the whole area. The intent is to finalize the boundary map before moving forward with the next steps of the plan, including engaging the public to identify the neighbourhood boundaries for the Plan.

North End Neighbourhood Plan Timeline

Community Engagement

The creation of the North End Neighbourhood Plan relies on feedback from community members, particularly those who live, work and play within the Plan boundary. Community Engagement will take place throughout the planning process. This will be done through a variety of events and online engagement tools, aiming to reach as many people as possible. This will include in person events, online engagement tools, and by sharing information on the Shape Your City Page for this project. A North End Neighbourhood Plan Advisory Committee that includes community members will also be created.

We conducted the first of several engagement and visioning sessions in January 2025 at various locations within the North End. The community input provided will shape the draft concepts for the Plan. If you weren't able to attend one of these events, we are still collecting comments and you are encouraged to submit your thoughts in the forum below.


The formal boundary of the included neighbourhoods has not yet been defined but there will be several of them. The communities themselves will be engaged during this process to define these neighbourhoods to ensure boundaries and policy are suited to these unique communities. Like the Central Peninsula Plan, these neighbourhoods are being created to deal with unique elements of each community and be personalized for their area and the character that defines them.

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Page last updated: 06 Mar 2025, 01:42 PM