Spruce Lake Industrial Park Expansion

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About the Project

The City of Saint John is expanding the Spruce Lake Industrial Park to create more space for new businesses. This project is important because it will help our City grow and bring more jobs to the area.

History of Saint John Industrial Parks
The former Lorneville Industrial Site (now known as the Spruce Lake Industrial Park) was created in 1971 for a planned deep-water port that was never built. In 2017, part of this site became a wind farm under a Power Purchase Agreement with Saint John Energy. Recently, the Port of Saint John completed a seven-year modernization project, increasing cargo capacity and sparking greater interest in industrial operations. This led to a focus on reinvesting in and expanding industrial parks to meet the demand for industrial space.

Expanding the availability of land within Saint John’s industrial parks is a priority for the City of Saint John, as identified by Common Council under the top four catalytic infrastructure projects

Why Are We Expanding?

Saint John needs more "development-ready" land to attract new companies, especially in areas like green energy and advanced manufacturing. Right now, we don't have enough space for big new businesses to set up their operations. By expanding the industrial park, we can support new investments and boost our local economy.

Benefits of the Expansion

  • More Jobs: New businesses mean more job opportunities for the community.
  • Economic Growth: With more businesses, our local economy will grow, benefiting everyone.
  • Better Infrastructure: The expansion will improve our City's infrastructure making Saint John an even better place to live and work.

Land Details from the Province

The City of Saint John has requested 1,591 acres from the Regional Development Corporation for this expansion. This land, near the existing Spruce Lake Industrial Park, will help create an area ready for the development of new industrial operations. The Province's support is crucial in ensuring we have enough space to attract and accommodate new businesses that will grow our local economy.

Need for a Municipal Plan Amendment and Rezoning

To move forward with the Spruce Lake Industrial Park expansion, the City of Saint John needs to amend the Municipal Plan. This amendment would change the land designation of approximately 1,040 acres from Park and Natural Area, Rural Resource, Employment Area, and Stable Area to Employment Area and Heavy Industrial. This change is essential to include the site within the Primary Development Area and allow for industrial use.

A public presentation about this amendment was held at the meeting of Common Council at City Hall on July 8, 2024. The public was able to submit written objections or support to Common Council by August 7, 2024. For inquiries, contact the office of the City Clerk at 506-658-4455 or visit City Hall at 15 Market Square, Saint John.

On August 19, 2024, Common Council decided it wants to continue to explore the municipal plan amendment and rezoning further and set a public hearing date for November 12, 2024 and referred the matter to the Planning Advisory Committee for October 8, 2024.

For a copy of the advertisement of the municipal plan amendment, see Related Documents.

Environmental Considerations

We are committed to protecting the environment. An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is being done by the Regional Development Corporation (RDC) to ensure the project meets all environmental regulations. This assessment will look at things like water and air quality, wildlife habitats, vegetation, wetlands and more. As a priority, we will manage stormwater effectively and maintain all appropriate buffers, including a 30-metre buffer from all neighbouring residential properties.

The EIA document was registered on June 11, 2024, and is available for review on the New Brunswick Department of Environment and Local Government (NBDELG) website, and includes detailed information on the project, construction methods, natural features assessment, potential interactions between the project and the environment, and planned mitigative measures. For more details, and to review the full EIA document, click here.

At the end of the EIA review period, the Minister of NBDELG will decide as to whether the project may proceed, and under what conditions, based on input from government subject matter experts reviewing the EIA, the public, and key stakeholders.

For the letter to the public, notifying the community of the EIA, see Related Documents.

Should you require any additional information about the proposed project or if you would like to have further discussions regarding the EIA, please contact Dillon Consulting at 506-444-9717, or by email at sprucelake@dillon.ca by July 15, 2024.

How Can You Get Involved?

We want to hear from you! There was a staff presentation of the Municipal Plan Amendment at the meeting of Common Council on July 8, 2024. This presentation commenced the 30-day feedback period.

The public was invited to share thoughts or ask questions about the project during an in-person open house on July 17 at the Lorneville Community Centre from 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. and again from 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. They could also contact Dillon Consulting with any questions or concerns before or after this open house.

The public is invited to submit feedback to the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC). This feedback will be reviewed by the PAC and shared with the Common Council. Additionally, the public will have an opportunity to express their support or opposition during an in-person Public Hearing at 6:30 p.m. on November 12, 2024, in Council Chambers at City Hall.

Let's work together to shape a brighter future for Saint John!

About the Project

The City of Saint John is expanding the Spruce Lake Industrial Park to create more space for new businesses. This project is important because it will help our City grow and bring more jobs to the area.

History of Saint John Industrial Parks
The former Lorneville Industrial Site (now known as the Spruce Lake Industrial Park) was created in 1971 for a planned deep-water port that was never built. In 2017, part of this site became a wind farm under a Power Purchase Agreement with Saint John Energy. Recently, the Port of Saint John completed a seven-year modernization project, increasing cargo capacity and sparking greater interest in industrial operations. This led to a focus on reinvesting in and expanding industrial parks to meet the demand for industrial space.

Expanding the availability of land within Saint John’s industrial parks is a priority for the City of Saint John, as identified by Common Council under the top four catalytic infrastructure projects

Why Are We Expanding?

Saint John needs more "development-ready" land to attract new companies, especially in areas like green energy and advanced manufacturing. Right now, we don't have enough space for big new businesses to set up their operations. By expanding the industrial park, we can support new investments and boost our local economy.

Benefits of the Expansion

  • More Jobs: New businesses mean more job opportunities for the community.
  • Economic Growth: With more businesses, our local economy will grow, benefiting everyone.
  • Better Infrastructure: The expansion will improve our City's infrastructure making Saint John an even better place to live and work.

Land Details from the Province

The City of Saint John has requested 1,591 acres from the Regional Development Corporation for this expansion. This land, near the existing Spruce Lake Industrial Park, will help create an area ready for the development of new industrial operations. The Province's support is crucial in ensuring we have enough space to attract and accommodate new businesses that will grow our local economy.

Need for a Municipal Plan Amendment and Rezoning

To move forward with the Spruce Lake Industrial Park expansion, the City of Saint John needs to amend the Municipal Plan. This amendment would change the land designation of approximately 1,040 acres from Park and Natural Area, Rural Resource, Employment Area, and Stable Area to Employment Area and Heavy Industrial. This change is essential to include the site within the Primary Development Area and allow for industrial use.

A public presentation about this amendment was held at the meeting of Common Council at City Hall on July 8, 2024. The public was able to submit written objections or support to Common Council by August 7, 2024. For inquiries, contact the office of the City Clerk at 506-658-4455 or visit City Hall at 15 Market Square, Saint John.

On August 19, 2024, Common Council decided it wants to continue to explore the municipal plan amendment and rezoning further and set a public hearing date for November 12, 2024 and referred the matter to the Planning Advisory Committee for October 8, 2024.

For a copy of the advertisement of the municipal plan amendment, see Related Documents.

Environmental Considerations

We are committed to protecting the environment. An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is being done by the Regional Development Corporation (RDC) to ensure the project meets all environmental regulations. This assessment will look at things like water and air quality, wildlife habitats, vegetation, wetlands and more. As a priority, we will manage stormwater effectively and maintain all appropriate buffers, including a 30-metre buffer from all neighbouring residential properties.

The EIA document was registered on June 11, 2024, and is available for review on the New Brunswick Department of Environment and Local Government (NBDELG) website, and includes detailed information on the project, construction methods, natural features assessment, potential interactions between the project and the environment, and planned mitigative measures. For more details, and to review the full EIA document, click here.

At the end of the EIA review period, the Minister of NBDELG will decide as to whether the project may proceed, and under what conditions, based on input from government subject matter experts reviewing the EIA, the public, and key stakeholders.

For the letter to the public, notifying the community of the EIA, see Related Documents.

Should you require any additional information about the proposed project or if you would like to have further discussions regarding the EIA, please contact Dillon Consulting at 506-444-9717, or by email at sprucelake@dillon.ca by July 15, 2024.

How Can You Get Involved?

We want to hear from you! There was a staff presentation of the Municipal Plan Amendment at the meeting of Common Council on July 8, 2024. This presentation commenced the 30-day feedback period.

The public was invited to share thoughts or ask questions about the project during an in-person open house on July 17 at the Lorneville Community Centre from 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. and again from 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. They could also contact Dillon Consulting with any questions or concerns before or after this open house.

The public is invited to submit feedback to the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC). This feedback will be reviewed by the PAC and shared with the Common Council. Additionally, the public will have an opportunity to express their support or opposition during an in-person Public Hearing at 6:30 p.m. on November 12, 2024, in Council Chambers at City Hall.

Let's work together to shape a brighter future for Saint John!

Page last updated: 29 Aug 2024, 06:00 AM