Succeed & Stay: Immigration Strategy Launch
On Tuesday, 29 November 2022, the City of Saint John and the Saint John Local Immigration Partnership launch the new immigration strategy to the public. At the same time, two other documents were released, the Succeed & Stay Newcomer Survey and the Newcomer Housing Report by Dillon Consulting. These are all available on the City of Saint John website at: Growth Plans | City of Saint John, New Brunswick.
At the public launch we used a system called SLIDO to include the audience of over 400 people to participate in asking and voting for the most asked questions. Here on Shape Our City, we want to share with you what those questions were along with the answers:
What is the impact of the UNB MBA program on the Saint John labour market by graduating 200+ students every year? Will there be 200+ jobs that match the skills/pay?
Please see the new Succeed and Stay Immigration Strategy in the following areas:
Strategic Priority 3: Create a pilot program for segmented and targeted skilled immigrant attraction, settlement and retention
Tactic #1 Establish comprehensive engagement with employers across core employment sectors within Saint John
Tactic #3 Create a skilled workforce retention program for identified sectors
Tactic #4 Develop a university and college internship program for identified sectors
What kind of immigration strategy would Saint John improve on for UNB post-graduate students?
Please see the new Succeed and Stay Immigration Strategy in the following areas:
Strategic Priority 3: Create a pilot program for segmented and targeted skilled immigrant attraction, settlement and retention Tactic #1 Establish comprehensive engagement with employers across core employment sectors within Saint John
Tactic #3 Create a skilled workforce retention program for identified sectors
Tactic #4 Develop a university and college internship program for identified sectors
Strategic Priority 2: Better communicate Saint John’s offerings to newcomers
Tactic #4 Establish collaborative welcome events
If we grow the population at 2% how are we also going to change the housing crisis we are currently in?
Please see the new Succeed and Stay Immigration Strategy in the following areas:
Strategic Priority 5: Expand and improve core settlement services that address key gaps in journey
Tactic #4 Improve access to available housing information
Will you hire an RCIC to help those here in temporary status transition to permanent status? The immigration application is terrifying!
ONB Immigration Navigators provide live services to help candidates, potential and active, and information seekers navigate the provincial immigration process. We encourage you to explore the ONB website.
How are we planning to help high skilled immigrants get jobs and their licensing so that we can also solve the drastic shortage of nurses, doctors, and more?
Please see the new Succeed and Stay Immigration Strategy in the following areas:
Strategic Priority 3: Create a pilot program for segmented and targeted skilled immigrant attraction, settlement and retention Tactic #1 Establish comprehensive engagement with employers across core employment sectors within Saint John
Tactic #2 Develop a sector targeted immigration attraction campaign
Tactic #3 Created a skilled workforce retention program for identified sectors
Tactic #4 Develop a university and college internship program for identified sectors
Tactic #5 Measure and communicate results to provincial and federal partners
Strategic Priority 6: Enhance focus and positioning of ‘Why Saint John’ to provincial and federal partners Tactic #1 Develop an immigration impact report with compelling positioning Using the learnings, data and results from the first year of implementing the Succeed and Stay Immigration Strategy, develop impact reports for provincial and federal partners that outline potential opportunities to bridge the credential recognition gap, focusing on needs and priority sectors.
People found jobs here but their families couldn't find childcare and housing. Therefore they had to decline some job opportunities. What's your thought?
Please see the new Succeed and Stay Immigration Strategy in the following areas:
Strategic Priority 2: Better communicate Saint John’s offerings to newcomers
Tactic #3 Promote immigration services with simple marketing campaign
Strategic Priority 5: Expand and improve core settlement services that address key gaps in journey
Tactic #1 Expand services and corresponding communications to families
Tactic #4 Improve access to available housing information
Tactic #5 Integrate expanded and new settlement services into immigration ecosystem
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