Establishing a by-law for ridesharing companies to operate in Saint John

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Consultation has concluded

Update: At the May 2, 2022 meeting, Common Council enacted the By-law Respecting the Regulation of Ridesharing Companies in The City of Saint John.

The Province of New Brunswick has passed ridesharing legislation that sets standards for licensing and regulations for ridesharing companies within the Province. Under the legislation, municipalities must create their own by-laws for ridesharing services to operate in their individual communities.

Developing a ridesharing by-law for the City of Saint John

Common Council has directed staff to create a by-law to allow ridesharing companies to operate in the City.

Considerations of the by-law

The by-law will establish requirements for ridesharing companies to satisfy in order to operate including parameters around:

  • Licensing
  • Fees
  • Specifications for technology and vehicles
  • Insurance
  • Records and record keeping
  • Obligations and qualifications of drivers
  • Offences
  • Enforcement

Note: This by-law will outline regulations for ridesharing companies that may wish to operate within City of Saint John limits. Individuals are not permitted to offer ridesharing services for a fee. Companies will be responsible for contracting drivers and promoting their services once the company has been licensed by the City.

The engagement period has ended.

Update: At the May 2, 2022 meeting, Common Council enacted the By-law Respecting the Regulation of Ridesharing Companies in The City of Saint John.

The Province of New Brunswick has passed ridesharing legislation that sets standards for licensing and regulations for ridesharing companies within the Province. Under the legislation, municipalities must create their own by-laws for ridesharing services to operate in their individual communities.

Developing a ridesharing by-law for the City of Saint John

Common Council has directed staff to create a by-law to allow ridesharing companies to operate in the City.

Considerations of the by-law

The by-law will establish requirements for ridesharing companies to satisfy in order to operate including parameters around:

  • Licensing
  • Fees
  • Specifications for technology and vehicles
  • Insurance
  • Records and record keeping
  • Obligations and qualifications of drivers
  • Offences
  • Enforcement

Note: This by-law will outline regulations for ridesharing companies that may wish to operate within City of Saint John limits. Individuals are not permitted to offer ridesharing services for a fee. Companies will be responsible for contracting drivers and promoting their services once the company has been licensed by the City.

The engagement period has ended.